CSAV Shipping Cup & Saucer ~ Valparaiso, Chile


This steamship cup and saucer came from the estate of a ship's pilot. According to his heir, he worked in the Panama Canal circa 1963-1979. Custom was to tip the pilot for safely steering the ship through the canal. Usual tips were a bottle of whisky or a carton of cigarettes but this gentleman neither imbibed not smoked so he always asked for a cup and saucer or plate off each vessel.

This cup and saucer set is from Cia Sud-Americana De Vapores, Valparaiso, Chile. CSAV, one of the oldest shipping companies in the world, was founded in 1872.

The cup is marked with the blue and white striped house flag with the initials CSAV within an X. The rim has a blue and yellow stripe around it.

The saucer measures 6 1/4 inches in diameter and features the same house flag except the X is in red. The rim stripes are blue with orange. The cup stands 2 1/2 inches tall. This set is a marriage of manufacturers with the cup being unmarked and the saucer made by Wood & Sons, Burslem, England.

There are no chips, cracks or hairlines on either piece. The cup is near mint while the saucer shows a bit of wear in the well. It's well worth adding to your steamship collection.

Thanks for looking and please see all 5 pictures.

Contact me for overseas shipping information as I have to send out an invoice since I don't have international shipping set up here.

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